Breastfeeding Tips for Success

Breastfeeding Tips for Success

Breastfeeding Tips for Success

Before we get started I just want to say Breastfeeding isn’t a walk in the park. It’s hard, painful, frustrating. Just when you think you got it figured out…another hurdle. The learning curve is steep, but so worth it. You will hear me say this many times during this post, STAY THE COURSE. Have faith in yourself. I have some breastfeeding tips for success , the key is to MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU.

EQUIPMENT NEEDED- Breastfeeding Tips for Success

  • Optional: Nipple Shields
  • Nursing Cover
  • Nursing Glider
  • Nursing Pads
  • Nursing Bras/shirts/nightgowns
  • Nipple Cream
  • Ice and Heat Packs
  • Optional: Herbs, cookies, foods to stimulate breastmilk production

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Breastfeeding Tips for Success-The Stuff

1.) Nipple Shields– Just a suggestion BUT, you might want to make an appointment with a lactation consultant (LC) and find out your nipple shape. BEFORE BABY IS BORN. I know this sounds weird and over the top, but wish I would have done it. When you know your obstacle you can prepare in advance…again the key to successful breastfeeding is EASE of breastfeeding. What can you do to make it easier?

Flat and inverted nipples are a thing, you may not even know you have them…I didn’t ! But, they can be the difference between successful breastfeeding or giving up.

Your nipple shape can be the difference between a difficult as hell or an easy beginning to breasfeeding. The shields are designed to give the baby more of a protrusion to latch onto, since my nipples are flat my son couldn’t suck strong enough to pull the nipple out to latch on. The LC at the hospital brought me shields and they were a godsend, but the standard size was too small, so I had to order a bigger size.

If you have flat nipples shields are a GAMECHANGER, at least for the first weeks until baby is sucking strong enough to pull the nipple out to latch.

My second baby I was prepared and I got my girl to latch on right away with my Medela Nipple Shields. I kept a pair of these in all 3 nursing stations around my house (more on that in a bit). Again, ease of breastfeeding is the best breastfeeding tips for success.

Medela Nipple Shield 24mm SZ MEDIUM

2.) Nursing Cover– Everybody wants to hold the baby. Oh my gosh the amount of visitors that will be at your house. It is endless. They also can’t get a clue…like “ummm I need to feed the baby so unless you want a peep show then GTFO”.

You’ll be suprised how many visitors will just sit there and watch while you take your boob out and then look at you like YOU’RE the rude one.

Second time around I had some rules, sure you can come see the baby, but bring dinner. No dinner no entry, no kidding! Ok I went off on a tangent there, get the nursing cover. You will need it constantly, in your own home, in the hospital and anywhere in public.

People are just TERRIFIED of a bare exposed boob, especially men. They just freak out when a boob pops out! Don’t get me started on the ridiculousness of that.

It’s unfair, but it’s still something we women have to put up with. To be honest, I really didn’t care if my boob offended people…but some people do flat out stare at you, super creepy. I kept a nursing cover in my diaper bag and one in my living room breastfeeding station. I hated covering up, but it was a better alternative than not breastfeeding.

3.)Nursing Glider – Breastfeeding standing up is hard and not advised. Especially considering the late night breastfeeding session, you will be half asleep. Nursing gliders are comfortable and you will continue to use it to rock baby even when you stop breastfeeding. Making your life easier is the MOST important Breastfeeding tips for success.

Advice from a chiropractor, save your back and get the glider.

4.) Nursing Pads – Breastfeeding is a bit messy in the beginning. Your nipples will be sore, cracked, leaking, bleeding and beautiful shade of FIERY RED.

The nursing pads create that nice barrier between sore, chapped nipples and your clothes. If you take care of your nipples you are on your way to successful breastfeeding

You can also put medicine and nipple cream directly on the pads so you don’t stain your clothes, HERE’S a link to some amazing homemade nipple cream for sore, red, cracked and chapped nipples. . Nursing pads are essential for the first few weeks, after that you won’t need them anymore. Remember to change them after every feeding or risk thrush or bacterial infection. A nasty thrush or infection will make breastfeeding painful and that is when we lose the battle.

5.) Nursing Bras/Gown and Shirts– Unless you want to be constantly removing your shirt then I highly suggest a nursing bra. My favorites were the sleep bras, very comfortable to sleep in as well.

Super easy to just pull the bra to the side for breastfeeding. Ease equals staying with it and that equals successful breastfeeding

Nursing bras with clips scratched my shoulders and I hated them. Nursing gowns I never really used, but to each his own. I just prefer to sleep in my husband’s shirts. Nursing shirts are SO worth it though and I’d stock up on these cheap bad boys because you will wear them daily.

6.)Nipple Cream– I have tried SO many brands of nipple cream for chapped, sore and red nipples. This Lansinoh lanolin cream has always provided the quickest healing, for sore nipples. Now keep in mind this cream is for your typical chapped, sore and red nipples.

If your nipples have thrush (white on them), cracks and bleeding then you most likely need a medicated ointment. Click HERE for a homemade medicated ointment that will save your poor nips. Tip: the Newman’s (AP) ointment prescribed by your OB will cost alot more if you get it at a compounding pharmacy, so just save yourself some money and make it at home. 3 ingredients.

Once your nipples are passed the red, sore and chapped phase you can just keep them moisturized as usual. I always used this sweet almond oil on my nipples while in the shower…so moisturizing and does not leave your skin greasy and all scented with chemical. Remember, taking care of your nipples equals ease of breastfeeding and that is the most important breastfeeding tips for success.

7.) Ice Packs for your tots-These Lansinoh cold pearl packs saved my boobs. Especially in the beginning of breastfeeding, before your body regulates to baby’s nutritional need.

Breastfeeding is about supply and demand on the most basic level. If the demand for milk is there (baby) then more milk will be supplied (produced by you).

With breastfeeding your baby’s feedings regulate this. The longer baby feeds and the more frequent the feedings all affect your milk supply. So of course in the beginning your body has NO IDEA how much milk to make, so it just makes a ton…this is engorgement.

Your breasts will feel like huge hard and sore watermelons. So uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, in those first weeks your baby just isn’t able to drink more than a 1-4 ounces a feeding. So those hard watermelons never get emptied, your body takes time to regulate the milk production to baby’s current need. It’s like a pressure that never gets relieved. You can always pump…but I never did that in the beginning weeks because I wanted my body to regulate to baby’s need. This is where ice packs come in.

Keep them in the fridge and put them directly inside nursing bra after feedings. Heavenly.

CLICK HERE to read my post on Increased Breastmilk Supply and Production 

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